I wouldn’t try to convince anyone to the contrary, and indeed, I would recommend you to engage a reputable external specialist to help you, unless of course, yours is a large organisation with plenty of internal expertise in warehouse design. I hope though, that the points set out above will give you some idea of the primary considerations.
Sharing is caring. By sharing real-time warehouse information with key staff throughout the organization, you can realize significant improvements in cycle times while avoiding the need to field distracting “where is my stuff” calls from the rest of the organization.
Finally, concerning the structural and capacity requirements of individual warehouses, some of the most important things to think about are your service offering, the characteristics of your products, and types of activity that you expect to conduct within the facility.
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Be open to the idea of getting expert advice. Warehouse design has changed a lot in recent years, as large distribution centers have moved away from single channel to multichannel inventories and even smaller warehouses have begun to automate many operations.